Burundi Yandaro
Black Tea, Orange Blossom, Blackberry, Brown Sugar, Toasted Coconut
Brews Calling
Ratio: 1:2
Dose*: 22g
Yield: 44g
Time: 28-32s
*If your basket size differs from our recommendations, please use the ratio to work out your custom recipe & play around with your grind setting to achieve a steady pour time.
Roast Degree

Yandaro Washing Station

The washing station was built in 1986 in a strategic location next to Kibira rainforest and is supplied with fresh water from Yandaro river. Farmers used to bring their herds of cows to this area to wash in the river, sleeping in nearby bee-hive shaped houses. These houses are called indaro in Kirundi, which means "lodging" and is where the name 'Yandaro' comes from.
It’s here that more than 2,300 local producers from 22 surrounding hills grow and handpick ripe cherries. Each of them produces a relatively small yield from around 200-250 trees in their backyards, so harvesting is done almost entirely by the family.

The producers deliver fresh harvest on the same day it is picked. Cherry gets sorted and pulped within the next 6 hours. The coffee is then transported to the drying tables to dry slowly for 2 to 3 weeks. Drying parchment is repeatedly sorted and sifted to ensure even drying. The coffee is left to dry from sunrise to sunset, covered with a sheet during the evening or when it rains.
What to expect when you brew this fine Burundi? An incredibly juicy cup with stone fruit and sweet aromatics. The high-altitude microclimate, mineral-rich soils, and precise processing give Yandaro a refined clarity—like a well-steeped black tea with just the right amount of sweetness.