New Coffee: Goulala from East Timor
Last year, we’ve introduced this beautiful coffee from East Timor. We’ve enjoyed Goulala so much that we’ve decided to bring it back on the menu for all to enjoy again. The fresh crop tastes even better – it has a more refined flavour profile, sweeter cup and a surprisingly sparkling acidity.
We’re happy to share an update on how the producers managed to improve the quality – with your support.War heroes helping build coffee industry
In 1975 when Indonesia invaded the country, a 24 year period of bloody occupation followed. It cost the lives of more than 250,000 Timorese that were lost to violence and famine.
In 1999, the Timorese voted overwhelmingly for independence. The Indonesian army withdrew in 2002, but not without a burning and killing rage on their way out.
East Timor became the first sovereign state of the 21st Century – literally born from the ashes.
The incredible story of Goulala involves two respected war heroes who fought bravely in Timor’s Resistance Army – Señor Domingos Sarmento and Manuel da Costa Silva.
These men now grow and collect the best coffee from the Ermera region and help rebuild the coffee industry
Change lives for the better
The Ermera region is extremely remote with a short wet season and 10 months of dry season. The cherry trees grow in the high altitude of 1,450 – 1,600m.
This is the second year we are collaborating with MTC Sucafina as our green bean supplier of this coffee. They’ve achieved great results though their presence in PNG. Amongst other things, they set up a collection station, donated more than 160 raised beds and educated farmers on quality control. Over the past 5 years, the quality improved by 4 points on the SCA score sheet.
The next step is improving yields through agronomy training for farmers to reach full potential of their trees. Timor coffee is often called “Wild Timor” thanks to the cherry trees that are tall and scraggly and look like they have never been pruned.Their yields are currently 10% of what it could be.
The farmers will learn about fertilisation utilising natural waste, pruning, replanting and water management during the flowering and ripening periods of harvest.
We’re extremely proud of this coffee and how thanks for the support it tastes better than ever. If you’re intrigued like us and want to learn more about people behind it, read Jason Joffe’s notes about his origin trip to East Timor.